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Console Games
Online Games

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Case Study 1
Case Study 2

What we have done

:)Smilie have been developing Java games for five years now and have supplied many satisfied customers throughout the world. Games have been sold to many companies, small and large, including BT LineOne, BSkyB, Sandbox Entertainment and Bertelsmann BV. Below is a selection of three developments, given as examples of our services.

The game shown left, called 'Xeroids', is based on the Space Invaders engine but includes extra gameplay features and bespoke graphics and sound effects. The development brief behind the Xeroids adaptation was provided by a UK based printware company. They wanted to show the printers they sold in a 'good light' with frequent reinforcement of their own logo/brand. They also requested added game features.

Our solution included beautiful graphical backgrounds, competitors' printers as 'the enemy', the desirable high scoring mothership as their logo, swooping 'Galaxian' style characters, bonus pickups at the end of each level and CGI based high scores (no serverside database). The result was a game which we think looks and plays better than the original!

Game adaptation and re-branding is a very popular service with our clients. In another recent development, we produced a suite of six games for the high traffic entertainment site run by Sandbox Inc. This included completely rebranded versions of 'Missile Command', 'Galaga', 'Space Invaders', 'Asteroids', 'Tetris' and 'PacMan'. Development also included integration with the Sandbox.com incentive scheme 'SandDollars'. Each of their visitors is rewarded for playing the games and the credits earned are transferred securely to their main database system.

As a final example, Scandinavian kids' site www.dinolife.com commissioned adaptations featuring their own suite of characters. These included PacMan turning into 'Jasper Espadrillo og diamantbandittene' and Galaga into ' Rex Gordon og Rompiratene'! See the games in action on their site.

We can adapt any of our existing games or produce new games to suit your specific requirements.

We are also happy to examine producing adaptations of those favourite games from your youth! If you have a special favourite, ask us and we'll look at making you a branded version.

Contact Info
Please direct all online games enquiries to (REMOVETHIS-NOSPAM)gamedev@smilie.com