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What is DigimaskTM?

DigimaskTM was founded in 1999 by Gary Bracey and Dr Keith Goss with the aim of becoming the standard in personalised digital avatar technology for consumers and business.

From two simple photographs, the DigimaskTM system can create a full 3-dimensional digital representation of the user, which can then be used in a wide range of applications including in computer games, websites, e-commerce and in mobile communications.

Psychologically, interacting with a real person reassures and reinforces the message that is being delivered. It is a fact that people respond better to humans but until now video has been the only way to remotely 'be there'.

Video on the internet, be it streaming or download, still has problems where home users with slow connections are concerned and so real human interaction is still some time away. Using real-time 3D technology however gets round these problems by being quick to download, and interactive to boot. Imagine receiving an email containing your favourite celebrity, speaking to you in their own voice, with all their facial mannerisms, inviting you to register on a website or purchase something. Compare that to a dry, text email offering the same thing. The celebrity could even be on the website ready to welcome new visitors and take their order!

With :)Smilie's help the technology has now been proven, and we can offer the most dynamic, personal, and cutting edge email marketing solution in the world!