PC Applications
Console Games
Online Games

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What We Can Do

:)Smilie license, re-brand and develop our own Java based online games. Many of the games can be seen on our own highly successful gamesite at www.smiliegames.com

We have single and multiplayer games, all built within a modular framework to enable the inclusion of new modules, for example including chat, SMTP or CGI based emailing of high scores, database integration and data mining, collecting statistical information about the 'usership' frequency, return users, new users, length of time played, etc.

Most of our games include 'High Score' or 'Best Time' saving, displaying the score tables within the game applet. By default, the scores are only saved internally; to save High Scores or any other user data, modules can be installed either using a Perl/CGI based mechanism, or a Java RTE server-side socket listening service. Please specify which mechanisms are required when ordering modules.

We have many different types of enquiries from people wanting our games - from multi-national content aggregators seeking to increase their user return frequency and user-session times to private individuals wanting to impress their friends. Consequently, our licensing and development structures have to reflect this diverse client range and we are mindful that we often need to be flexible in our approach.

The cost of any game is determined by the amount of work undertaken to re-brand or customise the game plus a licensing fee. Any development costs are charged from our standard ratecard and license costs from our Licensing structure. The license fee assigned to each game depends on a number of factors including the initial development cost, game complexity, gameplay longevity, etc.

We are often commissioned to produce games 'from scratch' and in this scenario we calculate a development fee, included in which is a lifetime license to publish the game and complete rights over copyright. Copyright on such developments is deemed to be held jointly and severally by both the commissioning party and :)Smilie Ventures Limited. Purchasers of all games licenses are required to give accreditation to :)Smilie when publishing the games.

To summarise, the basic levels of licensing Smilie games are as follows:

Standard - licensed 'as is'. One-off license fee.
Co-branded - include your logo in-game and minor branding. Flat one-off license fee.
Re-branded -overhaul of graphics and sound to suit branding requirements. Usually flat license fee plus development fee.
Adaptation - as above, with customised gameplay and/or new modules/features. Usually flat license fee plus development fee.
Bespoke - development 'from scratch'. Development fee.

For more information on the games available and the type of bespoke developments we undertake please have a look at:
www.smiliegames.com/SmilieJavaGames-W2000-V1-7.zip (Word 2000 - 754KB)
www.smiliegames.com/SmilieJavaGames-W95-V1-7.zip (Word 95 - 745KB)

For all license and development enquiries; re-branding of existing games, adaptations of traditional games or bespoke commissions please contact (REMOVETHIS-NOSPAM)[email protected]